Portfolio Managers
What we Do Best
Management has focused on building strategies that seek competitive returns with managed risk, since 1986.
30+ years of Spectrum Active Management
Spectrum Financial was founded over 30 years ago by Ralph Doudera in Virginia Beach, Va. The firm grew by word of mouth especially as Doudera was able to sidestep the crash of 1987, having moved his clients to cash the week prior. Avoiding significant drawdowns became a consistent goal of Spectrum’s management. The firm offered separately managed account strategies across a number of different asset classes before creating its own mutual funds in 2013. Spectrum’s expertise is in providing risk-adjusted returns for our investors through our various mutual funds, that together, provide streamlined diversification and opportunistic exposure to the public markets.
A Rich History
30 years of experience actively managing various market sectors with a focus on seeking steady gains while limiting losses.
Daily Liquidity
When it comes to risk management it is important to have the ability to liquidate all positions in one day if necessary.
Common Sense Approach
The markets are evaluated daily by studying patterns that look at the relationship between price, time, volume and sentiment. This allows us to provide real time active management for our investors based on current market trends.
Maintaining the Goal
The goal has always been to identify the current market condition and participate accordingly.
Transforming the way you invest
A fund family built to actively manage risk and provide strategic exposure to capture steady returns.
A Time Tested Process
Research & Analysis
The portfolio team seeks a multi-angle understanding of the markets, across multiple time periods. By using a myriad of technical indicators, models are put together to give insight to strategic exit and entry opportunities. Our management is not “black box”. All portfolio decisions have a common sense component. We believe that the 70+ years of combined experience on our portfolio team adds an advantage to our portfolio decisions.

Execute & Monitor
Markets and strategies are monitored on a daily basis to seek the best risk-adjusted returns based on each fund’s objective. We recognize that the markets are continually evolving and believe to provide the best portfolio management in each fund, we must continue to evolve in our analysis and strategies.
The Spectrum Funds are available on these major platforms

From Our Founder
Ralph Doudera
Spectrum Financial was founded over 30 years ago with the objective of providing superior investment returns by employing lower risk strategies. By controlling risk, clients can relax and not be concerned with life altering investment losses. I choose investments for myself that I am comfortable with and invest client funds along with my own. While no investment is without risk, we have spent years studying markets to significantly reduce risk while providing superior returns.

Transforming The Way You Invest
Spectrum Low Volatility Fund

Spectrum Active Advantage Fund

Get In Touch
272 Bendix Road Suite 600
Virginia Beach, VA 23452